I have one of those crazy families, it's broken, dramatic, and dysfunctional. We usually see them at other family members' funerals or at the occasional cookout, I believe the last time we met on terms other than for those of mourning, was six years ago.
Lots of life goes by in six years. Children grow up, or are born. Which is where I would like to pause for a moment.
No matter how crazy my life is, holding a baby always seems to comfort me. I'm not sure why, maybe its just the thought that you are holding something truly innocent. This little human has no worries, she isn't thinking about college, she isn't concerned with boys, she doesn't care what her body looks like. She is just there, full of possibilities and hope.
This weekend I had the opportunity to photograph a family member's four month old baby girl. She is so precious and I just had to share.