
January 21, 2013

Meet My Dog!

It is my honor to introduce you all to Tessa!  My 3 year old, 30 pound, Yorkie/Schnauzer cross.

I have had Tessa since she was 7 weeks old. She came to me as a TINY little black puff-ball and has now grown with me.  She has been my constant companion for almost 3 years and has been threw everything with me. Betrayal, heartbreak, loss, love, joy, sickness and incandescent happiness.  She is my best friend  and shall remain so. Forever.

Please stay tuned for more Tessa Updates!!

1 comment:

  1. I’m definitely staying for Tessa updates! She’s a cute bundle of joy. I want to clone her, if possible. Hahaha! Kidding aside, we have a family dog that has been with us for six years. I love her so much, and still; but I’ve been separated from her since college, and now I miss having a pet companion. T.T

    Ellan Lima
