
October 13, 2014


Time is the most precious commodity and we can't get more of it. - Robert Irvine

Sometimes there are days that never end, month-long weeks, twelve hour shifts that feel longer than my entire college career, and other times there are days that disappear, a year that felt more like a couple of random weekends and Christmas break than my entire freshman experience.

I will be the first to admit, I am an expert time waster.  With the help of social media, I can make two hours feel like fifteen minutes.  It's almost an art form.   But we have all heard this spiel before; "Life is over in the blink of an eye." I have heard this from my elders for years.  "I blinked and my kids were grown."  Don't blink seems to be the overwhelming consensus.  But lately that seems to be all I have been doing.

Yesterday I was sixteen and terrified of driving a car.  Twenty minutes ago I was trying to work up the courage to talk to a boy I really liked. ...Wait... It's Monday?!

Normally I don't notice these things, but at work yesterday I got a rude awakening to how cruel time can be.   While working an event for school, our speaker for the night made an alarming announcement in front of not only the crew, but also, his entire audience.  Just hours before the show, he had lost his father.

He showed an extreme amount of decorum during the entire day.  Even those who worked closest with him, were ignorant of the fact.  After this startling announcement, we all stood in shock.  Crew and audience alike.  Our host took a short pause, then gave us some words of wisdom to take with us, that I know will resonate with us for a long time.

He told us to keep in mind what is really important to us.  To not let time slip away.

As he said these words, I watched husbands hold their wives a little closer, mothers kiss their children's foreheads, and the look in an old man's eye; telling more of a story than words ever could.

No matter who we are; celebrity personality, military, college student, businessman, mother, or child, time hides itself from all of us.  It does it very well, looking for the perfect opportunity to come out of the wood work and surprise us.

Don't let it go unnoticed.  Pay attention to time as it passes, and be thankful for every second we have.  Good or bad.

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