
October 1, 2013


Distractions come in all shapes, sizes, and ways.  Some I knew I would have, the wonderful world of social media and the internet, for example.  Others were a bit more of a surprise.

I skyped with two of my best friends last night.  For three and a half hours. A bit longer than expected. Just a lil' bit.  My evening was fantastic, I really missed them, and it was so nice to see their faces and hear their voices again. It was wonderful.  Skype dates don't happen enough with us.


I didn't get ANY studying in last night, at lease not as much as I should have.  I could have stayed up and done my reading like I was supposed too, but I was surprisingly tired after skyping.  I called and had a short talk with my dad and was just ready for bed.  And that's what I did.  Cause bed is a distraction for me.

Texting is also a HUGE distraction for me, between my family, friends, well-wishers, and distant relations, my phone is almost always buzzing.  Not something I am used too.  Back home I had maybe two to three people who would text me on a regular basis, now its more like four to five, consistently.  Not that I mind, honestly it's nice to talk to people again, but I just need to learn not to be looking at my phone constantly, waiting for someone to text back.  I am supposed to be busy learning and stuff, and they have lives too.

Bed is probably the worst distraction for me, aside from texting. (see above)  Last night I was just ready to cuddle up in my warm blankets, sink into my pillows, and pretend I was back home.  And that's what I did.  I just went and hid under my covers, hiding from my life here and from the sadness of missing my friends.  Didn't work.  I spent most of the night tossing and turning, sleeping off and on until six this morning.  Did I get up and get on with my day like my alarm clock was screaming at me to do? NOPE!  Instead I laid there for an hour and half, staring at my phone, reading texts that I had missed the night before, and rereading old texts.  Convincing myself that when I emerged for the covers I would be back in my room in Michigan, with Tessa waiting by the door, and a day full of friends a head of me.

My imagination is yet another one of my distractions, pretending that I don't have classes only makes me run late for class, as I was this morning.  It also causes me to write obsessively in class, mainly blog posts or other such nonsense, just not notes.  You know, the thing I am supposed to be doing in class.  Imagination helps my days go faster, bus rides be more enjoyable, and time alone in my room almost perfection, until I remember.  Its all make believe.  My friends aren't going to be knocking on my door, my dog isn't gonna be hording my pillows tonight, I'm not going to go stargazing.  I'm alone, in my room, waiting on the next skype call.

I'm lonely here, which is in and of itself a distraction.

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